Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness,
which unites your body to your thoughts.
- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Registrations and all the communication takes place over a WhatsApp group
Every class is announced in the group the day before (Tuesday)
Please answer to the announcement with the comment: "I will come"
Transfer the entrance price in advance
The amount has to arrive at my account before the start of the class
Before coming to the first class, please fill out the following registration form:
single entrance CHF 30.-
subscription (abo) of 5 entrances CHF 140.-
reduced price CHF 10.-
(upon agreement - please write to me if you are a refugee, unemployed, retired or have other kind of a financial issue, which does not allow you to pay the full price at the moment)
I prefer TWINT. Otherwise bank transfer. No cash.
You will get the payment details after you fill out the registration form.
Always register for the class through WhatsApp.
Pay the full amount in advance.
In case of the no-show the price will not be refund.
5-entrance-abo is valid for 6 weeks (you have one joker week to spend).
Your safety, you health and your insurance are your own responsibility.
I don't offer health insurance refunds. Though I issue official invoices upon request.
Please appear in the class only if you feel healthy (no cold symptoms)
The classes take place in English. In case all the participants understand German, respective class can take place in German.

By relaxation of effort and meditation on the infinite (āsanas are perfected)
- Sutra 2.47 from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali -